The problem with the way occupational therapists address mental health issues
Yesterday I saw Daniel who was mad at his mother for lying to him - something to do with whether or not he could play his Nintendo DS - I am not sure. He spent most of the time under the table so we couldn't complete much of an evaluation. But this is what I could surmise through interview: Daniel is 13 years old and his mom brought him to see me because she is concerned that he has a 'sensory processing disorder.' The referral from his physician indicated that his diagnosis was bipolar disorder, r/o paranoid schizophrenia, oppositional defiant disorder, and ADHD. Of course the schizophrenia concerns are very preliminary but Daniel has reported seeing black caped shadowy figures scratching at doors and windows ever since he was old enough to talk. He states that the combination of Lithium and Seroquel mostly keeps things in check. His mom isn't so sure, because the family is walking around on eggshells for fear of contributing to his spiral into an emotio...