
Showing posts from August, 2008

The effectiveness of the HowdaHUG seat in improving attending behaviors of preschool-aged children during circle time

Christopher J. Alterio, DrOT, OTR Jennifer Welninski, OTS Danielle Green, OTS Lauren Martin, OTS Christopher J. Alterio, DrOT, OTR is owner of ABC Therapeutics in East Amherst, NY and directed the study. Jennifer Welninski was a student at D’Youville College and assisted in research design and proposal writing. Danielle Green was a student at Quinnipiac College and assisted in data collection. Lauren Martin was a student at D’Youville College and participated in data collection. All students participated in this research project as part of their Level II Fieldwork experience at ABC Therapeutics. The research project was conducted during 2007. Statement of the Problem Howda Designz created a seat product for adults and children that is being used by schools and parents nationwide. Anecdotal evidence supports claims regarding the benefits of using the seat. However, higher level clinical evidence is lacking. This company is a small business and they lack sufficient resources to conduct c

Update on continuing competency requirements for occupational therapists in New York State

Over two years ago I wrote this article about continuing competency regulations for occupational therapists in New York State. Based on a review of the status of proposed regulations for continuing comptency as reported by the New York State Assembly website - there has been no action on this bill and it seems to be 'stuck' in the Higher Education Committee. The idea behind this proposed legislation would be to improve consumer protection by mandating that occupational therapy practitioners in New York State participate in some mandatory continuing education. As of right now, the therapist who is treating YOU in New York State may have graduated thirty years ago and never taken a continuing education course. Interestingly, a law requiring physical therapy continuing education in New York State was signed by Governor Patterson only a month ago. Since that time I have scoured the Internet and NYSOTA website for word on the OT continuing education bill and have not found anything

ABC Therapeutics Occupational Therapy Weblog Reviews!

I thought this would be a fine opportunity to begin publishing snippets and reviews of my writing. This page will be dynamic and updated as new comments or reviews are received. "...self agrandizing (sic) blah-blah." - Dr. Jane Sorensen, 8/2/08, Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners website, regarding my comments on discussion regarding this article that she authored. edit 10/10/08 This was a very flattering find at : The featured blog is ABC Therapeutics Occupational Therapy Weblog by Chris Alterio (who works in New York) and is in my opinion outstanding. Alterio’s writing is clear, intelligent and engaging crossing over from the nuances of clinical practice through theoretical discussions around diagnosis to the intricacies of neuroanatomy of clinical conditions. In this scholarly article on foster care, Alterio discusses its impl

More on 'Who should we be treating in EI'

Here is a response from Dr. Sorensen, published on the Advance for OT website at I would like to re-post her comments in full - even though my intent is entirely Fair Use - but I don't want to be squelched by powers who don't like the debate. Go to the link quickly before it disappears. If Dr. Sorensen would like to grant permission I will post her comments in full on this site. Dr. Sorensen asks that people go to which she believes is an article that will 'validate your clinical experiences.' This article quotes several health care professionals who question the life-saving measures and efforts that are afforded to critically ill infants. For the second time this week I am deeply disappointed in Dr. Sorensen's opinion. This article is a gross misrepresentation of what happens on a daily basis in neonatal intensive care nurseries