The effectiveness of the HowdaHUG seat in improving attending behaviors of preschool-aged children during circle time
Christopher J. Alterio, DrOT, OTR Jennifer Welninski, OTS Danielle Green, OTS Lauren Martin, OTS Christopher J. Alterio, DrOT, OTR is owner of ABC Therapeutics in East Amherst, NY and directed the study. Jennifer Welninski was a student at D’Youville College and assisted in research design and proposal writing. Danielle Green was a student at Quinnipiac College and assisted in data collection. Lauren Martin was a student at D’Youville College and participated in data collection. All students participated in this research project as part of their Level II Fieldwork experience at ABC Therapeutics. The research project was conducted during 2007. Statement of the Problem Howda Designz created a seat product for adults and children that is being used by schools and parents nationwide. Anecdotal evidence supports claims regarding the benefits of using the seat. However, higher level clinical evidence is lacking. This company is a small business and they lack sufficient resources to conduct c