Good job Wisconsin OTs!
This letter from Teri Black WOTA President is worth re-publishing. Diligence for these kinds of threats is imperative. I doubt this is the last time we will see something like this - and it serves as a demonstration of the potential weaknesses. Too many states lack the resources to meet this kind of issue head on and practitioners need to be more engaged. Good job on this one, Wisconsin! ACTION ALERT RESOLUTION! It Worked!! From Teri Black WOTA President Thank you to those who wrote to your local school board members. The resolution by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards to create a new level of personnel in the therapies to deal with the shortage of Speech, OT and PT in schools was voted down at their annual convention. The three Presidents of OT, PT and SLP Associations met with the school board association lobbyist and let him know our issues with the resolution. He agreed to ask the WASB to take OT and PT out be...