Field report: Fidelity problems persist with 'sensory integration'
Consider this as Part II of Sensory integration: More evidence that OTs have lost control of the narrative. A major HMO in my region just published a clinical practice guideline update on sensory integration, which I will re-publish in full below. However, if you want to understand the fidelity problem, I think the graphic to the left says it all. Sensory Integration Therapy Implemented By: Chief Medical Officer, Health Care Services Policy No.: M110207082 Effective Date: May 1, 2011 Location/Type: MRM/EXT Revised Date: May 1, 2012 Signature: (Signed copy on file) Reviewed Date: Purpose: To provide clinical coverage guidelines for sensory integration therapy for Independent Health plan members. Responsible Departments: Medical Resource Management Applicable Vendor: N/A Definitions: Sensory integration therapy: sensory integrative techniques are performed to enhance sensory processing and promote adaptive responses to environmental demands. These treatments are performed when a defic...