Reading recommendations...
I have been absent for a couple weeks - immersed in important tasks that precluded my writing. While 'away' I did quite a bit of reading and so want to share some of my recent perusal. 1. A great blog post was brought to my attention recently. This should be required reading for all OTs... Emily writes in 'A life less ordinary' about "To OT or not to OT." Don't stop at that one entry - keep reading. This blog is so full of excellent writing and parent perspective that it will keep you busy for a very long time. 2. Connor Gifford is a young man who has Down Syndrome and he co-wrote a book entitled "America according to Connor Gifford." This book has a clarity to it that is difficult to find in writing about historical events. Go buy it. Today. 3. Ori and Rom Brafman wrote the book "Sway: The irresistible pull of irrational behavior." This entire book is fascinating, but OTs will be particularly interested in the chapter on ...