Intervention for adults who have sensory processing disorders
I received this email today, and I thought it was a great question: I am an adult who has Sensory Integration problems that were diagnosed three years ago. I also have central auditory processing disorder and was recently diagnosed with Asperger's. I have had some OT in the past for the SI difficulties, and was wondering if you knew of services for adults with these problems. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sensory integration refers to an 'unseen' process that has not yet been clinically defined - people have suggested that it may be a neurochemical problem, or perhaps a neuromigrational problem, or perhaps something else entirely. However, occupational therapists are claiming that it is SOMETHING that has to do with neurological processing - a lot of current research is looking at sympathetic and parasympathetic sensory processing of information. There are also some occupational therapists who claim that the prevalence of SPD can be as high as 5% (in the 'n...