NYS and the last second document drop on the early intervention program
If you pay attention to the news you will notice that Governor Cuomo is on a self congratulation tour for an on-time state budget. However, what is not mentioned in his self congratulation is the systematic dismantling that is occurring with the State's Early Intervention program and the devastation to social service programs that is left in the wake of his policies. Families need to be aware because as of April 1 there are many providers around the State who are no longer sanctioned to be early intervention providers. Additionally, for those who have elected to remain in the system, there has been an absolutely dysfunctional last minute document cram to get contracts in place and according to the Bureau of Early Intervention it seems that many providers were not even aware of the whole process. Some of us have been blogging and talking about this for over a year - but the reality is that apparently there were a lot of providers who were not tuned in and had no idea...