ABC Therapeutics Occupational Therapy Weblog Reviews!

I thought this would be a fine opportunity to begin publishing snippets and reviews of my writing. This page will be dynamic and updated as new comments or reviews are received.

"...self agrandizing (sic) blah-blah."

- Dr. Jane Sorensen, 8/2/08, Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners website, regarding my comments on discussion regarding this article that she authored.

edit 10/10/08

This was a very flattering find at

The featured blog is ABC Therapeutics Occupational Therapy Weblog by Chris Alterio (who works in New York) and is in my opinion outstanding. Alterio’s writing is clear, intelligent and engaging crossing over from the nuances of clinical practice through theoretical discussions around diagnosis to the intricacies of neuroanatomy of clinical conditions. In this scholarly article on foster care, Alterio discusses its implications for occupational therapy and includes a comprehensive set of references (he adopts the same rigorous approach to a number of other articles). Alterio ponders the impact of events that are yet to happen, writes this terribly sad article about the death of a child (in the about section of the blog however Alterior writes that people in the blog are not mean to represent people in real life), or writes about his role as an expert witness on animal-assisted therapy, the role of physical modalities in OT, sensory processing disorder in DSM-V (which is followed up by further articles on this topic), the potential effects of social class on education, a fascinating article on Horner’s Syndrome and phenomenology and OT. There are many more interesting and varied articles and this blog gives helpful insights into occupational therapy which plays an important role in mental health services.

edit 2/18/09

Here was an interesting link that has apparently been out there for a while but someone just sent to me:

edit 9/21/10

Here are some comments that I ran across today:

"Chris Alterio writes this blog and does so very well. He has a good ear for a story and is generous with his time and knowledge, sharing insights backed up with book references for your own further reading. He has been blogging and using social media to build community and discussion for four years, as he points out in this article. Top of the list, and deservedly so."

edit 3/26/12

Here is an anonymous comment that was so great I wanted to include it:

"Initially I was interested because I am a true advocate for providing the HIGHEST quality of care, but I am extremely discouraged after reading the segment "about this blog's author." Unfortunately he presents as egotistical intelectual, simply seeking to initiate some notoriaty to achieve fame. I have the same degree as "said author" and I believe there is a way to impact change in the system, WITHOUT flaunting intellegence or degree.

Comment moderation has been enabled according to the blog author. I am completely aware that you (the blog author) will not submit my comment as written. Knowing this, I hope something I wrote will reach YOU. Since it OBVIOUSLY will not reach ANYONE else."

edit 4/17/12:

This was from Dr. Barbara Boucher at Therextras ( This was very kind:

"I have linked to Chris Alterio’s blog ABCTherapeutics often for his eloquent and succinct appraisal of occupational therapy practice. on every level – the child, the family, the law and reimbursement. I only hope you continue to find the time to blog, Chris."

edit: 10/30/13:

I haven't edited this entry in a while, but I got such an amusing comment today I needed to include it.  This is from "Kathy" who I really wish would share her full name.  :D

"Wow-you really need to do your research a little bit better. There is research documentation regarding sensory brushing protocol and Therapeutic Listening. The research you are looking for regarding Astronaut Training is in the manual, not on some weblink on the internet. The I have been an OT for 24 years, all specializing in pediatrics. It is sad that someone in our field is so negative about new techniques to use in our practice. I hope you are nearing retirement. We need people with more open minds in our field"

edit: 7/21/16:

This is one my favorites of all time, received from an anonymous reviewer on a manuscript I submitted for publication:

"I am less enthusiastic about this revision than the original manuscript...To me, your revision is superficial, naive and biased. Non-reflective therapists will breathe a sigh of non-reflective relief and say, "I don't have to change. I am loyal to my profession's roots." To me, your revision is scary and dangerous."

edit: 10/27/19:

This was posted on another site, but was in response to a post about educational standards in OT:

"How exactly do you feel qualified to make these sweeping declarations?...Again, you are only thinking of a textbook version... and not understanding all that happens outside of your quaint town...  I think the biggest flaw in your argument is that you really no longer understand the scope of a practicing clinician.  I will suggest that you are holding on to an anachronistic ideal of OT...  I don't know what the students study in your program, but I hope for their sake that they are getting a glimmer of all the possibilities their OT degrees will give them in their careers"


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