Back to work

There are so many things to do. I don't mean to have an exaggerated sense of what I am trying to accomplish here or elsewhere, but now I need to get myself motivated to do all the things that need to be done.
Despite being on vacation, I was thinking about things everyday; certainly, my brain did not shut itself down. I needed a transition back into work mode, so of course the John Deere came in handy. At first I didn't manage much beyond yard thoughts, but it got my thinking jumpstarted again.

Most recently I have been thinking a little about the moles in my yard. I don't understand why people are so upset about moles. They dig nice tunnels and I enjoy watching them scurry around when I cut the grass. I enjoy watching them run into their little mole-holes - and I am not compelled to ask them to leave. Actually, I enjoy the fact that they are there.

I feel the same way about the frogs in the pond. It gives me a sense of peace to know that they live in my pond, and that it is a good home for them. I found a couple more frogs in the drainage ditch in front of the house the other day, so I grabbed a net and caught them. The kids thought I was strange, because as I chased the frogs I yelled, "Come Simon; come Andrew; I will make you fishers of men." Simon and Andrew now live in the pond, and I do indeed feel like a deity that has created their world. My dog Autumn's pen was where the pond now is, but Autumn died - and the space was turned into a large hole in the ground. The water runs down my man-made waterfalls where frogs and fish now cavort.

There is so much to create. I need to find some turtles. When they begin their annual migration across the roads I plan to capture a few before they become road pizza, and I will give them good homes. I plan to call my turtles Matthew and Bartholomew. And perhaps Yertle.

I have a small fear that turtles will eat my fish. Hm.

The point is that there is work to do now, and things to manage, and I am back.


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