Analyzing the AOTA/ACOTE Data Dump, Part One

Today AOTA/ACOTE released 897 pages of information, stating 

In response to requests for background information on ACOTE’s decision on the entry-level-degree requirement, we are sharing this workbook (see link below). The workbook includes a timeline of events and discussions undertaken by the Council leading to publication of the 2017 mandate statement. It also includes reports, surveys, open hearings, and publications reviewed by the members of the Council in coming to their decision. These materials support both the pros and cons of the entry-level doctorate mandate. The Council took all of these materials into account when making their decision.

The materials are not organized at all, making understanding of the released data difficult.  Here is a link to a Google Sheets doc that might be helpful for interested parties to sort through the material:


Readers are directed in particular to those lines in the document that are highlighted in yellow.  Based on my initial analysis, this is new information that has not previously been published.

It is unfortunate that AOTA/ACOTE would embed new information so deeply within a 897 page document.  It seems reasonable to ask why they would employ such an approach.  There is no logical organization to the information.  In fact, it looks like someone had a file folder, dropped it on the ground, and randomly put the contents back into the folder.  Some of the contents of this data dump are distally related to the mandate for the OTD, making their choice to include some of the information even more mystifying.

Notable first impressions:

1. The 'Visioning Taskforce' report is not included in the data.
2. There does not appear to be much new data at all.
3. Redacted minutes from an AOTA/ACOTE discussion where a vote was taken in 2015 are included, but the corresponding documents with the votes in 2016 and 2017 are not in the released data.
4. Redacted information appears to be related to who was present at meetings, who voted, and who presented information to AOTA/ACOTE.

This does not satisfy the kind of transparency that stakeholders are asking from AOTA/ACOTE.

More detailed analysis of some of the new contents will be published soon. This summary represents an initial good-faith attempt at making sense of this highly unusual document release.  If I have made any errors please bring them to my attention for correction.


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