Guest entry: Advocating for co-payment reform in New York State

A number of my students at Keuka College have been working on policy and advocacy projects that I wanted to share.  The students researched a topic of their interest, met with their legislators, and developed a broad action plan to increase awareness of their topics.  

This information is provided courtesy of Tori Persons, a graduate student who is interested in legislation that would help alleviate the burden of out of pocket costs for people receiving occupational therapy services.  

"Existing laws in New York have stated that health plans must cover occupational therapy services.

However, the insurance companies have found loopholes and bypassed these laws. They did this by shifting the majority of the costs for OT services onto the patients by increasing the cost of copayments.
This increase in copayment cost has caused financial burdens on patients, changed access to occupational therapy services, and overall has defeated the purpose of insurance coverage for occupational therapy.
There is currently a bill in New York Assembly to expand health insurance coverage for occupational therapy services. The bill is in the very early stages and has not been put to a vote in either the state Assembly and Senate. 
Occupational therapy practitioners across New York State have the opportunity to advocate for our patients by encouraging legislators to vote for the passage of Bill A9384. 


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