Top 10 ways to identify that it is May!

Usually sometime around April I stop looking at the calendar because I no longer have time to look at calendars. Life in April and May is generally spent running from one responsibility to the next, non-stop. Then something strange tends to happen at the end of May, and I begin to realize that Spring is in full bloom and that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel that all pediatric therapists are running through this time of year. Here are some common experience-markers that are making me believe I will soon have a life again...

10. The semester is over for most college students - and my son completed his undergraduate career!
9. Robins have nested in all of their favorite spots around our building and the baby bird chirping is louder each day!
8. Memorial Day Weekend!
7. Pediatric OTs are beginning to look for jobs! (the better ones always finish out the school year first).
6. My landscaping contractor has repaired the lawn damage from winter plowing and has cut the grass at least 2 times!
5. The furnace doesn't seem to be going on any more!
4. Requests for services are up up up! There is a mad scramble to take care of all the issues that SHOULD have been taken care of earlier in the school year!
3. The amount of paperwork from completed annual reviews, early intervention to preschool transitions, and preschool to school transitions is overflowing my office! I think I need to hire another full time person just to keep up with the filing this time of year!
2. Staff is talking to me about summer schedules, and information is trickling in about summer needs at various locations around the community!

And the top way I can identify that it is May...

1. I look at the blog history and realize that despite the richness of my experiences recently I haven't written anything in over a month because I have been TOO BUSY!

(hope to be back soon...)


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