When good people do nothing...

Edmund Burke's call to arms is apparently lost on some Illinois occupational therapists, at least according to the cover story "The State of EI Practice" in the current Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners .

According to the article, some OT practitioners in Illinois are more concerned about not offending their referral sources than in securing the safety of the children in their state who need occupational therapy services. That's a pretty hefty charge.

I wonder if it is true.

Well now is the time to step up. If there is unsafe practice going on in Illinois and if there is encroachment on the occupational therapy practice act by untrained and unqualified 'developmental therapy practitioners' then I expect to hear a hue and cry from concerned practitioners in Illinois.

And if there is silence that will also 'tell' us a lot - that either there is no problem, or that OTs in that state are willing to abdicate their responsibilities because (according to the article) there are professionals who don't want to work in 'low socioeconomic areas.'

Big charges - how do the OTs in Illinois respond?? I will post any rebuttals to the charges in full and unedited on this site - if anyone wants to submit something. Submit to chris@abctherapeutics.com


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