Diana Henry visits ABC Therapeutics

ABC Therapeutics staff took a break from beginning of the year activities of scheduling, working with children, and even unpacking boxes in the new office to visit with Diana Henry. Diana is in town to present her "Sensory Tools for Pre-Teens & Teens workshop" at the NYSOTA conference. She will also be presenting on the Sensory Processing Measure.

We had a wonderful visit with Diana and her husband Rick. We were all excited to hear their stories and she gave us some wonderful ideas about organizing our new clinic space!

From left to right in this photo: Marjorie Deschner, MS, OTR; Grace Kelley, MS, OTR; Diana Henry, MS, OTR; Lucy Pencille, MS, OTR; and Caroline Alterio, COTA, ROH. Somewhat hidden is Jean Luc Pencille, but I wouldn't want to neglect mentioning him!


Anonymous said…
Hi! I came across your site and I just wanted to double check that I could list you as one of my favorite blogs! I just started a blog on Autism (reviewing journal articles as well as news articles) and I was hoping you could put a link to mine on your site as well. http://ilovesomeonewithautism.blogspot.com/

Thank you!
Tiffany Szymanski

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